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Miguel Vargas Martin

Professor in Computer Science at Ontario Tech University. PhD (Computer Science) from Carleton University, Master's degree (Electrical Engineering) from CINVESTAV del IPN, and Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) from UAA. Licenced Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario. Research: computer and systems security.

Runner, cyclist, IronMan, multiple intramural soccer champion, terrible golfer, aspiring musician.

CV last updated April 2023:  miguelvmartin-cv-april2023.pdf (253 KB)

Photograph of Miguel Vargas Martin with bookshelf on the background.

Prospect PhD and Master's students: Please note that preference will be given to those who are able to provide a letter of reference from someone I am acquainted with. I welcome applications from minority groups, including but not limited to first-generation students (whose parents have never participated in postsecondary studies), people with dissabilities, women, Indigenous people, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.