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Health Informatics Research Group

The Health Informatics Research Group was formed when Dr. Carolyn McGregor first arrived at Ontario Tech in 2007 and is now the Canadian arm of the AI4HW Joint Research Centre.


What is Health Informatics?

INformatics is the science of information, the practice of information processing, and the engineering of information systems. Informatics studies the structure, algorithms, behavior, and interactions of natural and artificial systems that store, process, access and communicate information. It also develops its own conceptual and theoretical foundations and utilizes foundations developed in other fields. Since the advent of computers, individuals and organizations increasingly process information digitally. This has led to the study of informatics that has computational, cognitive and social aspects, including study of the social impact of information technologies.

Informatics in Health Sciences has shown to be effective in recording, monitoring, and analyzing data for research purposes.

Learn more about the research our AI4HW team is doing at Ontario Tech University using the link above!



Our Lab's Technologies



What is artemis?

The Artemis framework is a platform that supports the acquistion o fstoargage of patients' physiological data streams and clinical inofrmation system data for the purpose of online real-time analytics, retrospective analysis, and data mining. It was first implemented at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), in August 2009 and has been running continuously ever since.



What is Athena?

Athena extends Artemis to take not just physiological data but also data from a first person shooter serious game, ArmA3, as well as a new haptic garment called ARAIG, by a tech startup company called IFTech Inventing Future Technology Inc.


Athena Publications

1. McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., Stanfield, B., Stanfield, M., 2015, “A Method for Real-time Stimulation and Response Monitoring using Big Data and its Application to Tactical Training”, 28th International Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems (CBMS 2015),
2. McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., Stanfield, B., Stanfield, M., 2014, “Athena: A Big Data Platform for Real-time Stimulation and Response Monitoring and its Application to Tactical Training”, 5th Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Toronto, Canada
3. McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., Stanfield, B., Stanfield, M., 2015, “Using Big Data for Virtual Reality Tactical Training Analytics to Support Resilience Assessment and Development”, Military Health System Research Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, USA