Tactical Operators
Tactical paramilitary and military personnel carry out a variety of tasks requiring a range of specific expertise. The activities they must perform can have immediate and long-term consequences for paramilitary and military tactical personnel. Engineering, computers, and information technology provide the opportunity for individualized and population-based assessments and development of paramilitary and military tactical personnel's health, wellbeing, resilience, and adaption to be developed for live and training operations.
Due to the severe environment, movement, protective clothes, equipment they are using or carrying, and the jobs they are performing, collecting data from tactical officers and the surroundings can create several obstacles. Monitoring equipment must be integrated into an operator's already constrained real estate. Furthermore, the phrase "train as you fight" refers to the desire and effectiveness of simulating equipment and environments as closely as possible to real-world combat settings.

Refereed Journal Articles
- McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., 2017, “New Approaches for the Integration of Haptic Garments, Big Data Analytics, and Serious Games for Extreme Environments”, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 6(4) pp 92-96
Refereed Book Chapters
- Bonnis, B., McGregor, C., 2021, “Paramilitary and Military Tactical Operations as an Extreme Environment”, in Engineering and Medicine in Extreme Environments, Springer, in press
- McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., 2021, “Engineering and Information Technology for Paramilitary and Military Tactical Personnel”, in Engineering and Medicine in Extreme Environments, Springer, in press
Refereed Conference Papers
- Bonnis, B., McGregor, C., 2019, “Tactical Operations As an Extreme Environment”, 41st IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology conference, Berlin, Germany
- McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., “Integrating Big Data Analytics, Virtual Reality, and ARAIG to Support Resilience Assessment and Development in Tactical Training”, 5th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, (IEEE SeGAH 2017), Perth, 7 pages
- McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., Stanfield, B., Stanfield, M., 2016, “Design of the ARAIG Haptic Garment for Enhanced Resilience Assessment and Development in Tactical Training Serious Games”, 6th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Berlin, pp 217-220
- McGregor, C., and Bonnis, B., 2016, “Big Data analytics for Resilience Assessment and Development in Tactical Training Serious Games”, 29th International Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems (CBMS 2016), p 158-162, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/
document/7545976/ - McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., Stanfield, B., Stanfield, M., 2015, “A Method for Real-time Stimulation and Response Monitoring using Big Data and its Application to Tactical Training”, 28th International Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems (CBMS 2015), Sao Carlos, Brazil, pp 169-70
Refereed Abstract
- McGregor, C., Williams-Bell, F. M., Bonnis, B., 2019, “Extreme Climate Pre-deployment Acclimation Resilience Assessment Using Climate Chambers and Big Data”, 10th Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Ottawa, Canada, p87
- McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., Stanfield, B., Stanfield, M., 2016, “Integrating Virtual Reality, Big Data Analytics and Tactile Garments for New Resilience Assessment and Development Approaches”, ISTSS-CIMVHR meeting, Traumatic Stress Research: Enabling Bedside Implementation, May 9 – 10, Toronto,
- McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., Stanfield, B., Stanfield, M., 2015, “Using Big Data for Virtual Reality Tactical Training Analytics to Support Resilience Assessment and Development”, Military Health System Research Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, USA
- McGregor, C., Bonnis, B., Stanfield, B., Stanfield, M., 2014, “Athena: A Big Data Platform for Real-time Stimulation and Response Monitoring and its Application to Tactical Training”, 5th Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, Toronto, Canada