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FBIT offers innovative undergraduate and graduate degree programs in business and information technology. By placing a strong emphasis on how technology can enhance business opportunities, you will be prepared to launch a successful career in business and industry. We are committed to your success and take pride in knowing our graduates will make a strong impact in their communities. 

As we continue to grow and develop, we remain consistent in our vision, mission, and values:

  • Vision
    • To become an integral partner in a transformative entrepreneurial ecosystem that supports graduates and our region by attracting talent and capital to our community. 
    • To support Ontario Tech University becoming the Canadian link in a global network of elite technical universities by becoming the leading industry-focused school in business and IT.
  • Mission
    • To prepare students with the skills, knowledge and networks that they need to succeed in today’s workplace as well as the ability to continue to learn and adapt to the needs of the workplaces of the future.
    • To leverage our strengths in business transformation, digital economy, data analytics and artificial intelligence, and digital technologies for good; to improve productivity through innovation while being mindful that the impact of technology shall also improve the quality of life.
    • To foster a collegial, engaging, supportive, collaborative and inclusive work environment where learning, research and innovation can thrive, enabling staff and faculty with satisfying career growth opportunities.
    • To create value for the university and the province by creating new knowledge through research excellence, by building communities with our neighbours, and by growing talent pipelines with industry partners
  • Values

    FBIT holds the same values as Ontario Tech University:

    • Integrity and Respect - We embrace honesty, inclusivity, and equity in all that we do.
    • Honesty and Accountability - Our actions reflect our values, and we are accountable for both.
    • Dedication to Quality and Intellectual Rigor - We strive for excellence with energy, commitment and passion.
    • Pursuit of Innovation - We cultivate creativity, adaptability and flexibility in our students, faculty and staff
Alumni Success

Alumni Success

Learning Environment

Learning Environment

