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Ontario Tech Accounting Community

  • Ontario Tech Accounting Association

    The Ontario Tech Accounting Association (OTAA) is a student-run organization which strives to provide Ontario Tech students many opportunities to become successful! As an association under the Business and IT Society (BITSoc) we are dedicated to serving our accounting students and assist them into entering the accounting profession. As we host professional building workshops, networking sessions, and an annual case competition; we ensure that our members obtain the most benefit from their university experience.

    Learn more here!


    BITSoc (Business & IT Student Society) is the overarching society that oversees and promotes the activities of each of FBIT’s clubs. We help bring awareness to events, aid in funding for clubs, and encourage communication and interaction within FBIT. We help students prepare for future careers by offering Career Readiness Workshops (Linkedin, Resume etc.), Guest Speaker events, recruitment events, Social Events (Gala) and much more...

    Learn More here!

  • Ontario Tech Finance Association

    Ontario Tech University’s Finance Association's objective is to bridge the gap between academia and the workplace while creating a medium for networking for Faculty of Business and IT students. The club provides a mo judgment, open space where everyone is welcome and included to learn and grow. 

    OTFA's aims to bridge the gap between academia and the workplace while creating a medium for networking for Faculty of Business and IT students.

    Learn more here!

  • Women in Business

    A committee at Ontario Tech University that focuses on bringing together women in business to network, develop their skills and focus on achievements of women everywhere.

    Instagram Logo@wib_ontech

    Facebook Look@womeninbusinessUOIT

    JOIN US!