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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to a list of frequently asked questions about the Internship program at the Faculty of Business and Information Technology (FBIT). If you find the information you need is not provided or is unclear, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at

Academic Requirements

  • What are the internship requirements?

    The internship course has three graded elements of consideration:

    • Bi-weekly reflective assignments over the term - while working on internship, you will be responsible for posting a bi-weekly reflective assignment to the Blackboard course site. These are typically 300 to 500 word posts, discussing your work activities and learning that week.
    • Comprehensive Reporting - at the end of the internship work term, you will prepare and submit a comprehensive report of your experience. The report should summarize your work experience, and contain personal reflections of your experiential learning.
    • Presentation - you will present your experience in the form of a research poster expo, normally displayed in the UB atrium at the end of your internship at a scheduled date and time. You will create a large poster to display your internship experience, and discuss it with the audience in a public forum.
  • How do I qualify for the FBIT Internship Program?

    To qualify for the internship program, you must have successfully met second year core course requirements, achieved a minimum cumulative 2.3 GPA at the time of hire for internship placement, and be in good academic standing.

    Note: If you do not meet the requirements, you may still apply! We hold all applications on file and re-examine your cumulative GPA score at the end of each semester to determine your eligibility.

  • How do I apply for the FBIT Internship Program?

    To apply for the FBIT internship program, you are required to do the following:

    1. Access the Internship Application Form online.
    2. Complete the form in its entirety.
    3. Submit and save a copy of the application as a PDF for your records.
    4. Upon submission, you will receive an email confirming receipt of your application.

    Application forms are available at the start of each new academic school year in September. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the program co-ordinator.

    NOTE: Submission of the application does not guarantee approval or acceptance into the internship program. This form only shows your intention to apply for an internship job during that academic year and is valid from September of the current year until September of the following year.

  • Is there a deadline to complete and submit the application form?

    There is no deadline to complete this form. However, for consideration into the program a completed application is required. Upon submission, the program co-ordinator and academic advisor will review the application.

    NOTE: Submission of the application does not guarantee approval or acceptance into the internship program. Submission of this form expresses your intention to apply for an internship job during that academic year and is valid from September of the current year until September of the following year.
  • What happens once my internship application is processed?

    Once your FBIT internship program application is processed, you will have access to the secure Internship Job Board portal which provides an approved list of Internship jobs available to students. Access to the portal will require you to register for an account and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3 at the time of application.

    NOTE: If you do not meet the requirements, you may still apply! We hold all applications on file and re-examine your cumulative GPA score at the end of each semester to determine if your eligibility has changed.

  • What happens if after I am hired my cumulative GPA falls below the 2.3 requirement?

    In this case, you are not a registered intern and the program co-ordinator’s office notifies the employer. This may or may not affect your employment status, as this is dependent on the employer’s policies.

  • When can I complete the internship program?

    To be eligible to complete the internship program, you have three opportunities to satisfy the requirements, and must have at least one full semester of five courses remaining in the final year of your academic program after returning from your internship work placement.

    The options available to you as to when you can complete your internship program are as follows:

    1. After completion of the second year of your academic program (i.e. after April).
    2. Any semester during the third year of your academic program.
    3. Prior to the start of the fourth year of your academic program.

    If you are registered in the final semester of the fourth year of your academic program (i.e. Winter semester), you are not eligible for internship work placement

  • Can I take additional courses while working in my internship placement?

    If you are working in the internship placement, you can register for one additional (three credit) course per semester, resulting in a maximum of six credits (i.e. Internship and one additional course per semester).

Program Information

  • Is there a fee or tuition requirement for the internship course?

    The Internship course tuition fee is the 'UOIT Co-op/Intern Fee' noted on your tuition statement and paid in each semester that you are registered in internship. For example, if you start a 12-month work placement contract beginning in May, you would pay the course fee in all three corresponding semesters (summer, fall and winter).  The fee requiement can be found under Compulsory program and course fees.

    NOTE: The TELE (mobile learning laptop fee) is not included. If you wish to keep your laptop beyond the normal refresh cycle, you will be responsible for all related fees.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the program co-ordinator.
  • Will I get a course credit for the internship course (XBIT 4600U)?

    Yes, internship is a fourth year three-credit graded course (XBIT 4600U). If you are hired and accepted in an internship greater than four months, you will first be registered in a zero-credit course for each semester you are working (XBIT 4610). In the last semester of your internship, you will register in the actual graded three-credit course.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the program co-ordinator.

  • Is the capstone course in fourth year required if I choose to take the internship course?

    No. Once you have successfully completed the internship course (XBIT 4600), Capstone (XBIT 4610/4620) is not a requirement, as the internship course replaces capstone. However, you are open to take the capstone course as a business elective in your fourth year.

  • What are the basic job requirements for approved internship positions?

    In most cases, organizations will generally refer to posted internship positions as 'intern, co-op, or student intern' in their job descriptions, which will indicate whether the position is temporary or seeks a student enrolled in a university degree program. If you are uncertain whether the position will qualify, please speak to the Program Co-ordinator.

    Note: all internship positions require approval from the Program Co-ordinator before you accept the internship and registration in the course.

    To receive approval, the internship offer must include the following basic requirements:

    • A minimum of 12 weeks in duration for domestic positions (see below for international).
    • Internships can be greater than 4 months as 8, 12 or 16-month placement intervals are common with employers.
    • Full-time hours consecutively totaling 420 hours for domestic students, typically 35 hours per week (see below for international).
    • Remuneration or offer an equivalent such as an honorarium, stipend or expenses for travel and/or accommodations paid for by the employer.
  • Does the internship position have to match with my Major or program?

    In most cases, the internship placement should align with your program of study and interests or skills you are seeking to develop. In order to be successful during the interview process, the employer will be looking for a student that has some understanding of the industry and job function you are applying to. See scenarios provided below.

    Scenario 1:  A student majors in marketing and is interested in other business areas
    • The internship position does not specifically need to be marketing. Since multiple business units tend to integrate and overlap in roles such as accounting, finance and business intelligence (these roles typically require a combination of finance and marketing skills), this does not mean that you are restricted to your area of specialization.
    Scenario 2:  A student majors in game development and has IT programming skills
    • In principle, this would be fine, as the IT role may require a significant skill set in a specific program language or area of it that the game development student may already possess.

    Ultimately, the internship experience must benefit you! It should give you exposure to an industry and job area that you may want to consider as a future career.

    As part of the internship graded course deliverables, you are to write and discuss your learning outcomes from the job experience and make connections back to your program of study. Therefore, the job you have should mirror what you are studying so you can concisely report on your experiential learning, and how it has affected you both positively and negatively.

  • I found my own internship placement, what should I do?

    You are encouraged to seek out your own internship work placement. If you have registered to the internship job board, you will see a variety of approved postings during the fall, winter, and summer semesters.

    Note: as many employers no longer directly contact institutions to post positions, you are encouraged to visit company career portals that interest you.

    While you are job searching, or if you already found an internship position, been interviewed or hired, you must send the job description or links to the internship program co-ordinator for approval. The co-ordinator will respond to confirm the job is suitable for your internship.

    For any further questions, clarifications or concerns, contact the program co-ordinator.

  • Do I have to be an approved internship student in order to maintain my employment status with a company?

    Yes. Under the university’s non-academic student conduct policy, misrepresentation constitutes a breach of ethical misconduct. This means, if you did not register in the internship course, you are misrepresenting yourself as an internship student to the employer. In most cases, the hiring organization will require proof of registration from the program co-ordinator.

  • Does the hiring company provide workplace insurance coverage?

    Yes. Under the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), coverage for Ontario post-secondary students who are on paid placements, are to be insured under general accidental and liability insurance by the hiring organization. If you are unsure of what the default insurance covers, you should ask your hiring manager or employer human resources representative for this information.

  • If I already completed the internship course and want to pursue a second internship placement, will I receive a course credit?

    Yes. You may register in a second internship course, contingent on approval of the internship job and you meet the academic requirements. The same rules apply:

    • You must have a minimum 2.3 cumulative GPA at the time you are hired.
    • You cannot end your degree program while on internship.

    We recommend that you first speak with your academic advisor to determine where the additional three-credit course will fit within your program map, if you are considering a second internship for course credit. For some students, this may be a general business elective, but for others it may result in a technical elective.

  • International Student - Co-op work permit
    If you are an international student, please refer to the International Office to learn more about the co-op work permit. For additional information, you can contact your International Student Advisor.

International Internship Information

  • I am interested in seeking an international internship, will UOIT assist with the Visa application?

    It is imperative that you inform the internship program co-ordinator if you know that you are planning to pursue an international internship opportunity.

    In some cases, the university may need to provide proof of enrolment or student records as part of your Visa application process. Each country has different requirements, and you should check with the Canadian embassy and/or country specific embassy for student work Visa information.

    Note: Visa applications are the individual student’s responsibility and should be explored at least eight weeks before your travel date. In some cases, your hiring employer may need to provide proof of your employment, and/or their human resources staff will work with you to complete the necessary paperwork.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the program co-ordinator.

  • What are the basic job requirements for approved international internship positions?

    In most cases, organizations will generally refer to posted internship positions as 'intern, co-op, or student intern' in their job descriptions, which will indicate whether the position is temporary or seeks a student enrolled in a university degree program. If you are uncertain whether the position will qualify, please speak to the program co-ordinator.

    Note: all internship positions require approval from the program co-ordinator before you accept the internship and registration in the course.

    To receive approval, the international internship offer must include the following basic requirements:

    • A minimum duration of 8 weeks.
    • Internships can be greater than 4 months as 8, 12 or 16-month placement intervals are common with employers.
    • Full-time hours consecutively totaling 280 hours (typically 35 hours per week).
    • Remuneration or offer an equivalent such as an honorarium, stipend or expenses for travel and/or accommodations paid for by the employer.
  • Is workplace insurance coverage provided for international internships?

    If you are working internationally for your internship, you should check with the hiring organization to confirm workplace and/or travel insurance coverage. It is strongly advised that you let your program co-ordinator know what the status of your insurance coverage is if working internationally, to ensure your coverage is sufficient.