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Ontario Tech Game Dev community

  • Game Development Society

    game development society logo

    Our aim is to facilitate meetings and events which allow networking opportunities, resource pooling, and personnel to improve their knowledge and skills. We include game developers with different mindsets and experiences to broaden our skill set. We also assemble teams to enter game development competitions, such as:

    • GAMECON (end of year showcase of student games)
    • Game Jams (competing worldwide to make a game over the weekend with a team)
    • Information sessions (student-led or keynote speakers) on hot gaming-related topics
    • Other external competitions (Level-Up Showcase, Great Canadian Appathon etc.)


  • Game Sound Club

    UOIT Digital Art Club

    The Game Sound club is open and welcomes anyone interested in sound design, music composition, voice work, or anything that's sound-related. The club strives to bring the audio experience of games to life and to inspire others to do the same. In a program very focused on visuals and programming, we offer a great place for the niche of audio developers to grow together, learn from each other, and listen to great things together. We value compassion, teamwork, cooperation, and growth.


  • Game Programming Club


    The Game Programming Club seeks to provide the opportunity for all students in the Game Development and Entrepreneurship program to become excellent programmers and team players. Our vision is to have everyone in our program find joy in programming, regardless of skill level.


  • Business and IT Society


    BITSoc (Business & IT Student Society) is the overarching society that oversees and promotes the activities of all FBIT clubs. We help bring awareness to events, aid in funding for clubs, and encourage communication and interaction within FBIT. We also help students prepare for future careers by offering Career Readiness Workshops (LinkedIn, Resume etc.), Guest Speaker events, recruitment events, Social Events (Gala) and much more...


  • Ontario Tech Women in IT


    Women in IT's main goal is to empower and connect women currently in, or entering the IT field. WIT values equity, inclusion, and diversity in our personal, academic, and work lives. Our goal is to create an inclusive space where everyone feels welcome while ensuring that equality exists in the IT field across all genders.