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The marketing program provides students with essential skills to understand and engage consumers, develop marketing strategies, and implement and assess marketing actions in different industries and competitive environments. Our courses are taught by leading researchers and industry experts and cover the fundamental topics including marketing strategy, consumer behaviour, marketing research, and digital marketing. Our program also includes a variety of elective courses that match the demand in the industry, such as marketing analytics, social media marketing, high-tech marketing, marketing channels, marketing in Asia-pacific, international marketing, brand management, and service marketing.

How to Apply

General information about admissions, requirements, tuition, benefits and more.


Learn more about enrolment - How to Apply


Our courses focus on the most up-to-date and relevant marketing strategies and concepts preparing you to jump into this exciting profession.
Learn more about courses - Courses


Gain hands-on experience with the resources needed for innovative market research.


Learn more about laboratories - Laboratories

Career Opportunities

Apply your knowledge in an ever-evolving profession with many exciting career opportunities available.
Learn more about career opportunities - Career Opportunities

Program Maps


Ontario Tech University focuses on innovative and market-oriented programs.


Learn more about program maps - Program Maps

Marketing Community

Engage in extra-curricular activities organized by our student clubs and societies.


Learn more about the Marketing Community - Marketing Community

Faculty Pages

View the Marketing faculty profile pages.
Learn more about faculties - Faculty Pages