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Ontario Tech Marketing Community

  • Marketing Association

    The Ontario Tech Marketing Association’s mission is to excite students about the marketing field, through various workshops and case competitions. They plan numerous events, workshops, and trips to help further student’s knowledge of marketing and allow them to put their learned skills to use. They compete in various external competitions and conferences at universities across Ontario. These events will allow students to network with other marketing majors, professors, and judges; who are executives of established companies. 

    Instagram Logo@marketing_ot

    Facebook Logo@marketingOT

    Twitter Logo@marketing_OT

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    A voice for FBIT's undergraduate students, the Business and IT Society aims to build relationships between students and encourage learning, growth, and create an enjoyable University experience for its members.

    Instagram Logo@bitsociety

    Facebook Logo@bitsoc

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  • Women in Business

    A committee at Ontario Tech University that focuses on bringing together women in business to network, develop their skills and focus on achievements of women everywhere.

    Instagram Logo@wib_ontech

    Facebook Look@womeninbusinessUOIT

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