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The Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree prepares graduates with strong employability skills and the foundations for excellence in managing business corporations. Students can choose to major or minor in Technology Management. 

For further information, please visit the Academic Calendar

Technology Management Major

  • Requirements
    The Technology Management major in the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) program requires a minimum of 36 credit hours in Technology Management courses, nine core Technology Management courses and three Technology Management elective courses. 
  • BUSI 2500U - Business Simulation and Analytics
    Functional business areas such as Finance, Accounting, Production Planning, Procurement, Logistics, Marketing and Sales are coordinated using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This course introduces students to the concept of integration within an organization. Using an experiential approach, this course will provide students hands-on training in the use of tools, such as SAP, an industry leader in ERP.
  • BUSI 2550U - Introduction to Project Management
    This course focuses on information technology projects and applies basic project management theory on handling and managing those projects. It introduces the concepts and tools that are appropriate for phases of project life cycle, and incorporates areas outlined in the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) into the basic concepts associated with information systems management and software engineering.
  • BUSI 3504U - Database and Business Intelligence
    This course will introduce students to the techniques and tools used to manage databases and conduct basic business intelligence gathering and analysis. Students will be introduced to topics such as normalization, SQL, importance of business intelligence (operational, tactical, and strategic), database security, and developing business intelligence reports. The importance of all forms of business intelligence will be examined as well as a basic introduction to data analysis techniques such as cluster analysis, association detection, and time-series analysis. Using interactive techniques and case studies, students will be able to apply database management and business intelligence theories and practices.
  • BUSI 3550U - Systems Analysis and Design
    This course is designed to enable students to use the many tools and techniques used in systems analysis and design and examine alternative approaches to systems development. These approaches include structured analysis and design concepts, the prototyping of user interfaces, entity relationship diagrams, data flow diagrams and structure charts. Students will be expected to attain sufficient mastery of these concepts to apply them to a case study. Students will also use a variety of automated computer assisted software engineering (CASE) tools.
  • BUSI 4040U - Emerging Trends in Technology Management
    Technology, and the way we use and manage it, changes rapidly. In this course, we examine the trends in Technology Management that are occurring, focusing on new and impactful technologies and how they can change business and life. 
  • BUSI 4504U - Business Intelligence and Data Warehouses
    Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing are integral aspects of how businesses use data to help make decisions and include analytical processing, querying and dashboarding. This course will use experiential learning and theory to present how such tools and techniques can be introduced to and used productively in organizations of any size. 
  • BUSI 4570U - Strategic Information Technology Management
    Information technology (IT) has the potential to change the landscape of global competition, increase productivity, change industry structure, make markets more efficient and alter a firm’s competitive position. IT can increase the efficiency of every business activity including product design, production, purchasing, marketing, customer-supplier relationships and human resource management. Economists agree that IT has contributed significantly to productivity growth and helped check inflation. Such beliefs and promises have persuaded corporations to spend over a trillion dollars on IT alone over the last decades. However, the dramatic decline in IT investments after 2000–2001 and the difficulty researchers have had in tying IT investments to corporate performance has led sceptics to question the economic contribution of IT. Indeed, the rapid rate of IT innovation, massive investments in the IT infrastructure and applications, the difficulty in showing the competitive impact of IT investments and conflicting viewpoints regarding the value of IT raise a gamut of issues for managers in user organizations, financial institutions, vendor organizations and consulting firms: Do IT and the Internet change basic economic principles and strategies? Does the ability to search, seek and share information regardless of time, space and geographical differences increase market efficiency? Is such efficiency beneficial to all market participants? How and where can IT benefit an organization? Are there any killer applications that can still justify large investments in IT infrastructure? Which types of information technologies hold promise for the future? This course has been designed to provide frameworks and underlying principles to address these and other related issues.
  • INFR 1101U - Introduction to Programming for IT
    This course introduces students to general computer programming principles, logic and problem-solving skills. Topics include data types, variables, operators, expression, statements, blocks, control flow statements, functions (routines), arrays, pointers and basic concepts of structures. The course uses a programming language such as Python for illustrating the principal programming concepts.
  • INFR 4680U - IT Security Policies and Procedures
    The objective of this course is to provide an understanding of the need for the multi-disciplinary involvement, an understanding of where this involvement fits into the policy development life cycle and a methodology that provides a means of implementing this development life cycle into an organization. The course discusses how the policy development process should be something that requires the involvement of key business decision makers of which information security is only one.

Technology Management Minor

  • Requirements
    The Bachelor Commerce (Honours) degree Technology Management minor requires a minimum of 18 credit hours in technology management courses. Students must complete four technology management core courses and a minimum of two technology management elective courses.
  • BUSI 2500U - Business Simulation and Analytics
    Functional business areas such as Finance, Accounting, Production Planning, Procurement, Logistics, Marketing and Sales are coordinated using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This course introduces students to the concept of integration within an organization. Using an experiential approach, this course will provide students hands-on training in the use of tools, such as SAP, an industry leader in ERP.
  • BUSI 3504U - Database and Business Intelligence
    This course will introduce students to the techniques and tools used to manage databases and conduct basic business intelligence gathering and analysis. Students will be introduced to topics such as normalization, SQL, importance of business intelligence (operational, tactical, and strategic), database security, and developing business intelligence reports. The importance of all forms of business intelligence will be examined as well as a basic introduction to data analysis techniques such as cluster analysis, association detection, and time-series analysis. Using interactive techniques and case studies, students will be able to apply database management and business intelligence theories and practices.
  • BUSI 3550U - Systems Analysis and Design
    This course is designed to enable students to use the many tools and techniques used in systems analysis and design and examine alternative approaches to systems development. These approaches include structured analysis and design concepts, the prototyping of user interfaces, entity relationship diagrams, data flow diagrams and structure charts. Students will be expected to attain sufficient mastery of these concepts to apply them to a case study. Students will also use a variety of automated computer assisted software engineering (CASE) tools.
  • INFR 1100U - Introduction to Programming
    This course introduces students to general computer programming principles, logics and problem solving skills. Topics include data types, variables, operators, expression, statements, blocks, control flow statements, functions (routines), arrays, pointers, and basic concepts of structures. The course uses a programming language such as C or C++ for illustrating the principle programming concepts.

Technology Management Electives

  • Elective Courses
    List of Tech Management electives (for both major and minor students)
    • BUSI 3330U – The Management of Change
    • BUSI 3503U – E-Marketing
    • BUSI 3670U – Risk Management Frameworks and Processes
    • BUSI 4210U – High-Tech Marketing
    • BUSI 4230U – Marketing Analytics
    • BUSI 4280U – Social Media Marketing
    • BUSI 4450U – Business Applications of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
    • BUSI 4504U – Business Intelligence and Data Warehouses
    • INFR 4611U – Trust Systems
    • INFR 4680U – IT Security Policies and Procedures