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The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Program (QES) is a national scholarship program for student mobility between Canada and the countries of the Commonwealth. Ontario Tech University is pleased to offer scholarship opportunities to its students through this prestigious program.

The QES Program is a partnership of Universities Canada, Community Foundations of Canada, and the Rideau Hall Foundation. It is made possible with financial support from the Government of Canada, provincial governments and the private sector. 

Up to 54 of our students will participate as Queen Elizabeth Scholars through outbound exchanges to our partners in Commonwealth countries, or through scholarships for international students from the Commonwealth to study in master’s programs at our university.

The QES provides opportunities for upper-year undergraduates to gain international experience as a part of their studies at our university. The program provides scholarships of up to $5,000 for an experiential-learning placement with one of our partners in a Commonwealth country. Placements last a minimum of three months and are typically organized during the summer. Placement opportunities are developed with the faculties, and placement availability is subject to the availability of opportunities with partners, as well as program funding. All QE Scholars must participate in on-campus activities before and after the placement, as a condition of the scholarship.

Placement opportunities are available in Bermuda, Trinidad and Tobago and South Africa for FBIT undergraduate students.

The QES is co-ordinated with our university's International Education office.

For more information pertaining to undergraduate QES opportunities for FBIT students, contact

For information on eligibility requirements and opportunities for graduate students, please visit the QES page on the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies page.


For an alternative format of this information, contact fbit@ontariotechuca