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Ontario Tech Women in Business

Ontario Tech Women in Business Association's goal is to provide resources to women on their corporate and entrepreneurial journey with our exclusive events.

Women in Business want to educate, create, and inspire! They aim to provide learning opportunities for both the student population and faculty, addressing common obstacles women face in all areas of the business world. They create a fun and safe environment for students to receive resources and provide opportunities for them to thrive in both an entrepreneurial and corporate career.

Ontario Tech Women in Business want to inspire women everywhere to think outside the box and reach their full potential. To shape a positive future for women in business through promoting career growth, by creating meaningful and supportive relationships, and providing room for personal development through continuous learning and by encouraging members to take risks and step outside their comfort zones.


  • Events

    Learn all about our upcoming events by following our Instagram Account and clicking the link in our bio to register as a general member, or by emailing us at!

    • Games and movie nights
    • LinkedIn & Resume Building Workshops
    • Women in the Workplace Panel
    • Alumni and Leadership Panel 
    • Equity Talks - Women in FBIT
  • How to get involved

    You should get involved with Ontario Tech's Women in Business Association because you will gain valuable experience networking and meeting successful female businesswomen, entrepreneurs, as well as meeting other like-minded students like yourself.

    Additionally, you will gain essential soft skills and gain valuable knowledge from our events!

    To join Women in Business, please follow our Instagram Account and click the link in our bio to register as a general member, or by emailing us at!


  • Sponsorship
    If you are interested in sponsoring or running an event with Women in Business, please email us at to discuss sponsorship!

Meet the team


Elicia Lin


Aymen Sohail

Vice President

Shania Bheir

VP of Finance

Jessica Patel

VP of Marketing

Kavya Pandhi

VP of Events

Fatima Mulla

VP of External Communications

Ameera Jafri

Marketing Coordinator

Kanishaa Baskaran

Financial Officer

Sarah Emad

Marketing Coordinator

Daniella Caggianiello

Financial Officer

Past events

Contact us