Community Tech Drive

Community Tech Drive
With the increased need for students to have access to computers at home to be successful, many schools need to address accessibility issues regarding online learning opportunities. Ontario Tech University is running a tech drive to provide support to low-income students in the Durham Region.
In an effort to address these issues, a group of students in Ontario Tech University’s Faculty of Business and Information Technology (FBIT) are working with the local community to collect second-hand laptops, tablets, and phones.
How can you help?
● Donations of second-hand laptops, tablets, and phones. would be greatly appreciated.
● Cash donations will be put toward the purchase of laptops, tablets, and phones.
● If you are not able to support the drive financially at this time, you can still support this cause by sharing this drive with your community members through social media, by sharing the posts which can be found on Instagram stories, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Device Requirements
We are currently accepting laptops, tablets, and phones – device requirements are as follows:
● In working condition and come with the device charger
● Have a working built-in camera and microphone
● Personal data removed if possible -
How to Donate
We are currently offering drop-off dates throughout March at the Delpark Homes Centre and the Civic Recreation Complex in Oshawa.
If you have items to donate, visit the Ontario Tech University Tech Drive sign-up page and select a drop-off date and time that works best for you.
If you would like to make a cash donation, please contact Amanda McEachern-Gaudet. -
In the News
We are so thankful for the community support for this program:
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.