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Frequently Asked Capstone Questions

The following outlines commonly asked questions and responses about the Faculty of Business and Information Technology Capstone Study Project course. If you have further questions or concerns, contact the program co-ordinator at

  • What is the Capstone Study Project?

    The Capstone Study Project course provides you with opportunities to develop a comprehensive understanding of the technology, environment, markets and operations of a real organization through application of theory and knowledge learned. Working in teams, you are partnered with a business or organization to act as consultants.

    The objective of the program is to allow you to operate in teams, gain exposure to outside organizations and their operations, provide networking opportunities and apply learned project-management tools and techniques to real-world situations.

    Upon successful completion of the course, you must publicly present your project work using an academic poster. A final comprehensive report will also be submitted for faculty evaluation, and to the client organization.

  • What is the difference between the Capstone and Internship programs?

    The Capstone Study Project and Internship programs provide you the opportunity to gain hands-on experience. However, they differ in terms of requirements and makeup.

    Capstone Study Project

    The Capstone Study Project is available to you in the Fall of your fourth year of study. Packaged as a two-part course, capstone gives you the opportunity to consult and analyze a real-world organization in a team-based project environment, applying lessons learned from your academic study. 

    Placement process:

    • All prospective project proposals are housed and posted on Blackboard for you to review.
    • You select your top four projects in order of preference and submit an application through Canvas.
    • Based on skills set and similar interests, you are divided into teams of four based on the chosen project.
    • A faculty member and/or the Project Co-ordinator will meet with the group to review project deliverables as outlined in the proposal.
    • Capstone study periods operate throughout the regular school year, with opportunities each term (e.g. Fall, Winter, Summer, and Spring).
    • During the project study, you must submit weekly journal posts based on project tasks, on which you are graded.
    • At the end of the study period, you prepare a final project presentation that will be graded by faculty members on a group basis.

    Internship program

    The internship route offers you direct one-on-one paid work experience with an approved organization for an extended period. The program is competitive and runs from 4 to 16 months, depending on the placement secured.

    Internship requirements are more specific:

    • After completion of two years of study, acceptance in the Internship program requires you to have a cumulative GPA of 2.3 or higher on a 4.3 scale. If you have not achieved this grade level and are seeking real-time work experience, you are open to take the Capstone Study Project route as an alternative.
    • You may engage in internship opportunities offered locally or globally (visit the university's International website for to see options).
    • Similar to the regular job application process, once internship proposals are received through the Project Co-ordinator's office, openings are posted and accessible to you through the Student Life Career Centre portal.
    • Once available, you select and apply to respective organizations directly, similar to the regular job search process.
    • If you are successful in obtaining employment, it is very important you contact the Project Co-ordinator to advise them of the hiring, and provide a detailed job letter to ensure the internship is in compliance with the course requirements (e.g. minimum 280 work hours, job responsibilities, etc.).
    • If has you have obtained an internship of your own accord, the Project Co-ordinator must first approve the job opportunity before you accept the job offer to ensure the offer meets the course requirements. Failure to do so may result in the internship being null and void, which means no course credit will be granted.
    • At the end of the work period, students prepare a final poster presentation graded by faculty members on an individual basis.

    If any of the above information is unclear, or you have further questions, please contact the Project Co-ordinator's office.

  • What are the requirements to qualify for the capstone program?

    To qualify for the capstone program, you must have successfully completed three years of study and be in good academic standing. Based on a best-fit model, as a member of a selected student team, you will:

    • Study a real business or organization.
    • Complete a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the business issue.
    • Develop suitable recommendations that solve and/or address a particular problem or group of problems.

    Upon successful completion of the program, you must present your recommendations and ideas to a panel of your peers to receive a final grade.

  • Where do capstone job opportunities come from?

    Organizations that wish to participate in the capstone program complete a Project Study Proposal Form outlining the specifications and requirements of the project in detail, and submit the form to the program co-ordinator’s office.

    Once all particulars of the project have been reviewed and agreed upon between the host organization and the program co-ordinator’s office, teams are assembled from a pool of students.

  • What are the implications or benefits of taking this program?

    Students who register in the capstone experiential learning program gain real-world skills and opportunities to develop a thorough understanding of the technology, environment, markets and operations of a real organization by applying theory and knowledge you have learned over the course of your academic studies. Students strengthen key foundational and practical skills in areas such as:

    • business management
    • business planning and assessments
    • development and process evaluation
    • marketing analysis
    • research and analysis
    • strategic planning 

    Organizations that participate in the capstone program benefit in tangible ways, such as:

    • Consulting is provided at no-cost to the host organization.
    • The program serves as an opportunity for organizations to tap into resources for a project where time, staffing or skills might not have been previously available in the organization.
    • Exposure to potential future employees, resulting in a win-win situation for both the host organization and the student.
    • Organizations help shape future business leaders. The applied experience in the workplace helps our students become valuable contributors and future business leaders.

    In addition, the investment made by both parties will not only leverage learned experiences, but also integrate knowledge and skills that allow both students and host organizations to stay competitive in their respective areas of specialization.