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Technology Management Community


    A voice for FBIT's undergraduate students, the Business and IT Society aims to build relationships between students and encourage learning, growth, and create an enjoyable university experience for its members.

    Join BITSOC today!
  • Women in IT

    Women in IT's main goal is to empower and connect women currently in or entering the IT field. WIT values equity, inclusion, and diversity in both our personal, academic, and work lives. Our goal is to create an inclusive space where everyone feels welcome while ensuring that equality exists in the IT field across all genders.

    Join Women in IT today!
    Netsoc Logo

    The Networking Society aims to better students through academic, and extracurricular experiences. By providing learning and professional opportunities, students develop their careers in the Networking and I.T. Security Industry.

    Join NETSOC today!
  • DECA

    DECA aims to provide students with the proper resources and preparation to become the future leaders, with relevant skills including presenting, case writing, case analysis, teamwork, and time management.

    Join DECA today!
  • Women in Business
    Women in Business logo

    Ontario Tech Women in Business want to inspire women everywhere to think outside the box and reach their full potential. To shape a positive future for women in business through promoting career growth, by creating meaningful and supportive relationships, and providing room for personal development through continuous learning and by encouraging members to take risks and step outside their comfort zones.

    Join Women in Business today!
  • Technology Management Student Association

    TMSA is a student-run establishment that strives to provide Ontario Tech students with opportunities for success. As an association that is now recognized by the Business and IT Student Society, we are dedicated to being in service to all Technology Management students and more. We hope to provide events that include, networking, workshops, socials with other student organizations and different companies in Ontario. 

    Join Technology Management Student Association today!