Michael Bliemel
Management Information Systems
Faculty of Business and Information Technology
Contact information
Energy Systems and Nuclear Science Research Centre (ERC) - Room 2084
North Oshawa
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON L1G 0C5
905.721.8668 ext. 5461
Research topics
- business analytics
- data literacy
- digital transformation
- e-business
- experiential learning
- human-computer interaction
- management information systems
- business process innovation
- enterprise systems
Dr. Michael Bliemel has had diverse interdisciplinary research experience around the impacts of new technologies, data literacy, business analytics, e-health, problem gambling, gamification in education, information systems, e-commerce, NeuroIS and human computer interaction. His current interests are in the strategic management of information technology, and the innovation and adoption of emerging technology in business. He explores these topics at different levels, ranging from firm performance to task performance and individual usability perspectives.Dr. Bliemel joined Ontario Tech University in 2018 from Dalhousie University, where he was recognized with several awards for university teaching and for academic leadership. He works closely with industry organizations to build connections between academia, business and government around the topics of analytics, digital literacy and digital transformation. He has also taught professors and professionals analytics and has coached several winning student teams in local, provincial and global analytics competitions.
- PhD Management Science/Systems DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada 2006
- Master of Management Studies Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Canada 2001
- BSc Mining Engineering Queen’s University, Canada 1997
Research and expertise
- 2017: Majdi Najm Outstanding Service Award
- 2014: A. Gordon Archibald Teaching Excellence Award
- 2014: Visionary Member, SAP University Alliances
- 2014: Demonstrating Leadership through Commitments and Transformative Actions, Rowe School of Business
- C_TERP10_67 Application Associate – Business Foundation & Integration with SAP ERP 6.07 - SAP Global Certification (2017)
- SAP R/3 4.6 Business Integration Certification - SAP Education Canada (2004)
- Canadian Securities Course - Canadian Securities Institute (1999)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant with Hossam Ali-Hassan. “Defining and Measuring Business Analytics Performance, 2016, $47,206
SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant with Mike Smit, Hossam Ali-Hassan, Michael Bliemel, Dean Irvine, Daniel Kelley, Stan Matwin, and Brad Wuetherick, “Strategies and Best Practices for Data Literacy Education”, 2015, $25,000
With Tony Schellinck and Tracy Schrans “Raising the FLAGS: A Pilot Study adapting FLAGS, a next generation risk assessment instrument designed to identify early warning signs for gambling risk, harm and problem gambling”, Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre, Directed Level III Award (2011), $177,975
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Research Development Initiatives, Exploring the Impact of Advertising on Consumer Health Information Web Sites: A Canadian Perspective”, 2008, $38,700
Selected journal and book chapter publications
Colin Conrad, Michael Bliemel and Hossam Ali-Hassan, “The Role of Flow in Learning Distributed Computing and MapReduce Concepts using Hands-On Analogy”, Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp.57-66, Winter 2019
Hesham Allam, Michael Bliemel, Louise Spiteri, James Blustein. and Hossam Ali-Hassan, “Applying a multi-dimensional hedonic concept of intrinsic motivation on social tagging tools: A theoretical model and empirical validation”, International Journal of Information Management, Volume 45, April 2019, Pages 211-222
Alex McLeod Jr., Michael Bliemel, and Nancy Jones, “Examining the Adoption of Big Data and Analytics Curriculum”, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 23 Issue: 3, 2017, pp. 506-517
Schellinck, T., Schrans, T., Schellinck, H., and Bliemel, M., “Construct Development for the FocaL Adult Gambling Screen (FLAGS): A Risk Measurement for Gambling Harm and Problem Gambling Associated with Electronic Gambling Machines”, Journal of Gambling Issues. No. 30, May 2015, 124-139
Schellinck, T., Schrans, T., Schellinck, H., and Bliemel, M., “Instrument Development for the FocaL Adult Gambling Screen (FLAGS-EGM): A Measurement of Risk and Problem Gambling Associated with Electronic Gambling Machines”, Journal of Gambling Issues, No. 30, May 2015, 174-200
Michael Bliemel and Hossam Ali-Hassan, “Game-Based Experiential Learning in Online Management Information Systems Classes Using Intel’s IT Manager 3”, Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 25. No 2. pp 117-124, 2014
Hesham Allam, James Blustein, Michael Bliemel and Louise Spiteri “Knowledge Contribution in Social Media: Exploring Factors Influencing Social Taggers’ Acceptance towards Contributing and Sharing Tags” in Information Systems, Technology and Management; Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 285, 2012, pp.112-123, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-29166-1_10
Nan Li, Peter Hitchcock, James Blustein, and Michael Bliemel “Electronic Commerce On-Site Search Services; A State of the Art Review” in Exploring the Grand Challenges for Next Generation E-Business; Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2011, Volume 52, Part 6, 226-234, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-17449-0_23
Louis Grilli, Daniel Huff, Andrea Shakespeare, and Michael Bliemel, "Fair Dealing or Fare Stealing?: Implications of Canadian Copyright Law Reform on the Online Classroom", Canadian Journal of Law and Technology, , Vol 7. No. 2, January 2010 pp. 267-287
Jason Dong and Michael Bliemel, “Strategies for Increased Integration of Online and In-Branch Services of Banks in Canada”, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol. 13, No.2, December 2008
Michael Bliemel and Khaled Hassanein, “Consumer Satisfaction with Online Health Information Retrieval: A Theoretical Model and an Empirical Study”, E-Service Journal, Vol. 5. No. 2, pp. 53-83, 2007
Michael Bliemel and Khaled Hassanein, “e-Health: Applying Business Process Reengineering Principles to Healthcare in Canada”, International Journal of Electronic Business, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 625-643, 2004
Gokul Bhandari, Michael Bliemel, Allan Harold and Khaled Hassanein “Flexibility in e-Business Strategy: A requirement for Success”, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 2004, Vol. 5, Nos 2&3, pp. 11-22 -
Recent conference presentations
Jean-François Plante, Pierre-Majorique Léger, Jean-François Michon, Forough Karimi-Alaghehband, Marc Fredette, and Michael Bliemel, “Using Simulation Games to Teach Analytics”, SAS Global Forum 2019, Dallas, Texas, April 29, 2019
Ali-Hassan, H. and Bliemel, M., “Experiential Learning Approach to Business and Analytics Education”, The UWI Biennial Conference, Education Beyond Borders: Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges, 19-21 February 2019, UWI School of Education, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago.
Pierre-Majorique Léger, Jean-François Plante, Jean-François Michon, Forough Karimi-Alaghehband, Michael Bliemel, and Marc Fredette, “EDGE: A Simulation Game to Change How We Teach and Learn Analytics”, Prototype at 2018 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium, San Francisco, December 13th, 2018
Moataz Soliman, Michael Bliemel, and Binod Sundararajan, A Framework of AR-Enabled GIS Affordances for Disaster Response, Emergent Research Forum Poster, Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, August 17th, 2018
Bliemel, M, Ramirez, A., Kristal, M., Bhandari, G., Cairns, H., “Emerging Trends in Business Analytics Education”, Symposium at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 2018 Conference, Toronto, May 27, 2018.
Michael Bliemel, Ali Kazerani and Sarah Lahanky “Social Analytics for Business”, 5th International Big Data and Analytics Educational Conference, Langkawi, Malaysia, July 16, 2017.
Brian Abelseth, Hossam Ali-Hassan, Michael Bliemel, and Paola Gonzalez, “Experiential Learning in Business Education: Applying an Experiential Learning Curricula in Information Systems Classes”, 37th Annual Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, Halifax, June 20-23, 2017.
Colin Conrad and Michael Bliemel, “Psychophysiological Measures of Cognitive Absorption and Cognitive Load in E-Learning Applications”, Human Computer Interaction track at the International Conference on Information Systems, 2016, Dublin, December 11-14.
Ramirez, A., Kristal, M., Bliemel, M., Bhandari, G., Cairns, H., “Whither Business Analytics; Its role in the Business Curriculum”, Symposium at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 2016 Conference, Edmonton, June 6, 2016
Schellinck, T., Schrans, T., Schellinck, H., and Bliemel, M. “Measuring Risk in Adolescents before Harm for Prevention Not Treatment: A New Approach to Risk Assessment for Social Policy, and Prevention Applications”, 16th International Conference on Gambling and Risk Taking, Las Vegas, June 7, 2016.
Smit, M., Ridsdale, C., Rothwell, J., Ali-Hassan, H., Bliemel, M., Irvine, D., Kelley, D., Matwin, S., and Wuetherick, B. “Data Literacy, Fluency, or Mastery; What are the core data skills all university students need?”, Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning, April, 27, 2016.
Michael Bliemel, Hossam Ali-Hassan, and Paola Gonzalez, “Multi-Mode Experiential Learning Approaches to Information Systems and Analytics Education”, Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning, April, 28, 2016.
Faisal Alzalabani and Michael Bliemel, “Examining the Hybris Omni-Channel Retail System Configurations in use by Canadian Retailers”, Nineteenth SAP Academic Conference Americas, San Diego, California, February 19, 2016.
Ridsdale, C., Rothwell, J., Ali-Hassan, H., Bliemel, M., Irvine, D., Kelly, D., Matwin, S., Smit, M., and Wuetherick, B. “Data literacy: A multidisciplinary synthesis of the literature”, Nineteenth SAP Academic Conference Americas, San Diego, CA, Feb 19, 2016.
Wuetherick, B., Ridsdale, C., Rothwell, J., Hassan, H. A., Bliemel, M., Irvine, D., Kelley, D., Matwin, S., and Smit, M. (2015). Data literacy as a core graduate attribute: Maximizing undergraduate students’ career readiness across the disciplines. In Proceedings of the 2015 AAU Teaching Showcase, St. John’s, NL, Oct. 17.
Colin Conrad, Hossam Ali-Hassan, and Michael Bliemel, “Hadoop Hands On: Teaching MapReduce to Business Students through Analogy”, Big Data and Analytics Educational Conference, Puerto Rico, August 12, 2015.
Michael Bliemel, and Hossam Ali-Hassan “Technology, Teamwork and the Flipped Classroom; Blending Multiple Advanced Experiential Learning Approaches in Business Education”, Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning, March 30, 2014.
Ali-Hassan, Hossam and Bliemel, Michael, “Teaching business process management using IBM’s INNOV8 BPM simulation game”, poster presentation at the International Conference on Education and Higher Education (ICEHE), Dubai, UAE, March 12-13, 2014.
Michael Bliemel “How Hypercompetition is driven by Business Analytics & In-Memory Computing; Hands-On Learning with SAP HANA to engage students in Management Information Systems” Change one thing Challenge Poster at Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning, May 1, 2013.