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Research seminars

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Research seminars provide an opportunity for academics and researchers to share knowledge and exchange constructive dialogue. We encourage both our undergraduate and graduate students to attend our research seminars whenever possible. 

All FBIT Business and Computer Science seminars are also listed in the university's event calendar. Schedules are subject to change. Bookmark this page and check back frequently.

Upcoming Events

Past Events

  • 2020
    Product Design, Digital Technology and Consumer Behaviour

    November 30, 2021 from 2:00-3:00PM

    The guest speaker is  Dr. Sumitra Auschaitrakul from Laval University.  

    The Privacy Implications of Artificial Intelligent Systems

    March 12, 2021 - Please join us with this public seminar to listen to experts in industry and academia discussing known privacy risks associated with artificial intelligence, and the best practice to mitigate these risks. Speakers will also discuss the implication of Bill C-11, the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2020 ("Bill C-11"), recently introduced by the Federal Government.

    Speakers: Dr. Rajen Akalu, Assistant Professor, Business Law, Faculty of Business and IT | Noemi Chanda, Senior Manager, Data Protection and Privacy Practice, Deloitte | Preeti Shivpuri, Senior Manager, AI Strategy and Governance, Deloitte Omnia | Khalil El-Khatib, Academic Director, Institute for Cyber Security and Resilient Systems and Professor of IT Security, Faculty of Business and IT

    New Kids on the Block: The Effect of Generation X Directors on Corporate Performance

    January 26, 2021 with Dr Viktoriya Staneva from the University of New Hampshire.


    Team Interaction Under Asymmetric Information Distribution: The Solution Tournament Trap

    February 25, 2020 with Serena Sohrab, PhD, from Ontario Tech University.


    Quantitative Easing and Global Financial Market Integration

    January 24, 2020 with Jie Zhang, PhD, from Trent University. 

  • 2019

    November 2019

    Optimal Investment and Sourcing Strategies during Recovery from Supply Disruptions with Nader Azad, PhD, from Ontario Tech University. 


    October 28, 2019

    Care-Coordination: Gain-sharing Agreements in Bundled Payment Models with Salar Ghamat, PhD from Wilfred Laurier University. 


    March 29, 2019

    The Role of Leverage in Hedge Funds Failure - speaker Laleh Samarbakhsh, PhDAssistant Professor, Finance, Ryerson University.


    March 22, 2019

    Arranged Marriage of Real Estate and Equity Markets with Karolina Krystyniak, PhDAssistant Professor, Finance, University of Ontario Institute of Technology


    February 15, 2019

    The Dollar Profits to Insider Trading with Peter Cziraki, PhD, Assistant Professor, Economics, University of Toronto


    January 22, 2019

    Sharing my teaching experiences at UNSW Canberra at Australian Defense Force Academy with Omar Hussain, PhD, Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Canberra

  • 2018

    April 6, 2018

    What Drives Active Share? Active Allocation vs. Active Selection with Aymen Karoui, PhD, Assistant Professor, Finance, York University


    March 23, 2018

    Modeling Yellow and Red Alert Durations for Ambulance Systems with Amir Rastpour, PhD, Assistant Professor, Operations Management, Faculty of Business and Information Technology, University of Ontario Institute of Technology


    March 9, 2018

    Does Going Public in U.S. Market Affect Corporate Innovation: International Evidence with Hui (Julia) Zhu, PhD, Assistant Professor, Finance, Faculty of Business and Information Technology, University of Ontario Institute of Technology


    March 2, 2018

    What’s Trending? Stock-Level Investor Sentiment and Returns with Karolina Krystyniak, PhD, Assistant Professor, Finance, Faculty of Business and Information Technology, University of Ontario Institute of Technology


    February 2, 2018

    Reading between the Eyes: Facial Expressions of Emotion and Observer Perceptions of Crisis Communicators with Serena Golchereh Sohrab, PhD, Assistant Professor, Strategy Faculty of Business and Information Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology


    January 26, 2018

    Integrate Markets: Economic or Financial Integration? with Job Market Candidate (Marketing)


    January 19, 2018

    Thinking with Trust with Stephen Marsh, PhD, Assistant Professor, IT Faculty of Business and Information Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology