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Researcher profiles

  • Accounting

    John Friedlan, PhD

    Pamela Ritchie, PhD
    Research areas:

    • financial analytics
    • market efficiencies
    • transportation policies
  • Finance

    Bin Chang, PhD
    Research areas:

    • corporate governance
    • corporate payout policy
    • pension
    Karolina Krystyniak, PhD, CFA
    Research areas:
    • capital structure
    • empirical asset pricing
    • institutional trading
    • investor attention
    • market liquidity
    • market sentiment
    • stock market anomalies

    Kamal Smimou, PhD
    Research areas:

    • commodity futures
    • currency options
    • portfolio management and global risk management
    • risk management and optimization in finance

    Hui Zhu, PhD
    Research areas:

    • corporate innovation
    • corporate social responsibility
    • fixed-income securities
    • initial public offerings (IPOs)
    • international finance

    Xinyao (Joseph) Zhou
    Research areas:

    • empirical asset pricing
    • financial ecometrics
    • international finance
    • return anomalies in finance
  • Management

    Rajen Akalu, PhD
    Research areas:

    • information privacy law
    • vehicular ad hoc networks
    • wireless communications policy

    Joseph Krasman, PhD
    Research areas:

    • job satisfaction
    • motivation
    • trust
    • leadership

    Igor Kotlyar, PhD
    Research areas:

    • simulations for evaluating soft skills
    • identification and development of high-potential employees
    • experiential learning
    • cognitions in the workplace
    • leadership
    • technology

    Serena Golchereh Sohrab, PhD
    Research areas:

    • group and team dynamics
    • team adaptation to complex and dynamic situations
    • team information processing and decision making
    • temporal patterns of team interactions
    • diversity management
  • Marketing

    Ying (Annie) Jiang, PhD
    Research areas:

    • consumer decision-making
    • consumer food consumption
    • consumer new product adoption
    • mobile marketing

    Salma Karray, PhD
    Research areas:

    • applications of artificial intelligence in business
    • marketing Analytics
    • marketing decision models
    • marketing mix effectiveness
    • movie marketing
    • operations research and marketing interface
    • retailing and channel management
    • supply chain management

    Terry Wu, PhD
    Research areas:

    • global marketing
    • international trade policy
    • international business
    • marketing of higher education 
    • marketing of smart toys
    • North American Free Trade Agreement

    Nelson Amaral, PhD
    Research areas:

    • cross-cultural consumer behaviour
    • gender identity
    • luxury counterfeits
    • marketing ethics
    • personal brand relationships
    • persuasion

    Wei-Lin Wang, PhD
    Research areas:

    • empirical quantitative marketing
    • portfolio management
    • innovation
    • new product launch
    • purchase timing behaviour 
    • dynamic customer management
    • customer engagement
    • content marketing
  • Management Science and Quantitative Methods

    Alexander Serenko, PhD
    Research areas:

    • scientometrics
    • knowledge management
    • implicit cognitive processes

    Amir Rastpour, PhD
    Research areas:

    • Big Data analytics
    • queueing theory
    • statistics
    • stochastic models

    Carolyn McGregor, PhD
    Research areas:

    • Big Data analytics
    • business process modelling
    • cloud computing
    • critical care informatics
    • event stream processing
    • health informatics
    • neonatal informatics
    • resilience assessment and development
    • space medicine
    • temporal data mining

    Fletcher Lu, PhD
    Research areas:

    • cybercrime
    • data analytics
    • insurance fraud
    • mobile fitness
    • reinforcement learning

    Gabby Resch, PhD
    Research areas:

    • data visualization
    • tangible and embodied interaction
    • digital fabrication
    • augmented reality
    • geographic visualization
    • human-centred data science
    • critical data studies

    Karthik Sankaranarayanan, PhD
    Research areas:

    • agent-based computational modelling
    • behavioural operations management
    • decision sciences
    • experimental methods
    • simulation of complex social systems
    • technology management 

    Peter Lewis, PhD
    Research areas:

    • artificial intelligence
    • socio-technical systems
    • neural networks
    • multi-agent systems
    • market-based control

    Stephen Jackson, PhD
    Research areas:

    • behavioural information security
    • digital transformation
    • electronic business
    • electronic government
    • enterprise systems implementation
    • human behaviour and information systems
    • management information systems
    • organizational culture

    Stephen Marsh, PhD
    Research areas:

    • computational trust
    • human-computer interactions
    • information flow
    • information security
    • social knowledge
    • soft security
    • trust management
  • Networking and Information Technology

    Amirali Abari, PhD
    Research areas:

    • computational decision making
    • computer security 
    • machine learning
    • multi-agent systems
    • network science

    Khalil El-Khatib, PhD
    Research areas:

    • biometrics
    • cloud computing
    • feature interaction for VoIP
    • internet protocol (IP) telephony
    • smart spaces

    Patrick Hung, PhD
    Research areas:

    • aviation services
    • cybersecurity
    • services computing
    • smart city
    • toy computing

    Shahram Heydari, PhD
    Research areas:

    • network failure recovery
    • network infrastructure design
    • quality of service
    • software-defined networking

    Julie Thorpe, PhD
    Research areas:

    • authentication
    • computer security
    • human factors
    • security policy
    • software security

    Miguel Vargas Martin, PhD
    Research areas:

    • authentication
    • computer security
    • human factors
    • machine learning and data mining

    Richard W. Pazzi, PhD
    Research areas:

    • data dissemination in wireless sensor networks
    • networked 3D virtual environments
    • vehicular and sensor networks
    • vehicular cloud computing

    Ying Zhu, PhD
    Research areas:

    • network optimization
    • overlay networks over heterogeneous substrates
    • peer-to-peer networks

    Michael Bliemel, PhD
    Research areas:

    • business analytics
    • business process innovation
    • data literacy
    • digital transformation
    • e-business
    • enterprise systems
    • experiential learning
    • human computer interaction
    • management information systems
  • Gaming

    Andrew Hogue, PhD
    Research areas:

    • gaming
    • robotics
    • simulation
    • virtual reality

    Bill Kapralos, PhD
    Research areas:

    • 3D sound
    • immersive technologies
    • multimodal interactions and perceptual-based rendering
    • perception of auditory events
    • serious gaming
    • virtual simulation

    Pejman Mirza-Babaei, PhD
    Research areas:

    • games user research
    • human-computer interaction
    • user-centered design
    • video games accessibility
    • video games for health and rehabilitation

    Alvaro Joffre Uribe Quevedo, PhD
    Research areas:

    • exergames
    • gaming for medical training
    • immersive virtual reality in medical procedures
    • medical simulation

    Loutfouz Zaman, PhD
    Research areas:

    • creativity support evaluation
    • graphical user interfaces
    • information and difference visualization
    • subjunctive interfaces